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Email - Interactive Practice

Klikněte na Vyslechněte vše a následujte pokyny. Po té, co porozumíte celé konverzaci, staňte se Osobou A kliknutím na Osoba A. Z audio souboru uslyšíte pouze Osobu B. Bude vám poskytnuta chvilka ticha k zopakování vět Osoby A. Pro Osobu B zopakujte stejný postup. Rychlost konverzace odpovídá rychlosti konverzace rodilých mluvčích. Použijte PAUSE tlačítko mezi každou větou, pokud jsou mezery mezi jednotlivými větami pro vás příliš krátké. Procvičování získáte schopnost mluvit stejně rychle jako rodilý mluvčí.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "I'll have the report ready for review tonight. Will you be able to look at it tomorrow?"
B: "I'm not going to be in the office tomorrow. Can you email it to me? I'll look at it from home."
A: "Sure. What's your email address?"
B: "It is"
A: "The file is pretty big. Will the email allow me to send a file that big?"
B: "If it is under one mega byte, you shouldn't have a problem."
A: "I don't think it's that big. I'll send it tonight. Just get back to me when you finish the review tomorrow."
B: "Ok. I should be done with it by noon."
A: "That would be great. Thanks."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "The manager wants us to work on the data analysis together."
B: "Did you get an email from her?"
A: "Yeah. You were on the µto' line as well."
B: "I never got it yet. When did you get the mail?"
A: "I got it about 30 minutes ago. Should we have her send the mail again?"
B: "No, I don't want to bother her right now. Can you just forward the mail to me?"
A: "No problem. I'll do it now."
B: "I'm still not getting it."
A: "Maybe your exchange server is down."
B: "I think you're right. Can you send it to my personal account? It is"
A: "Sure. Sending now."
B: "I got it. Thanks for forwarding me the mail. After I read it, let's get together to discuss how we are going to work on the data analysis."
A: "Perfect. Just ping me when ever."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hi Jack, this is Cindy from the audit team."
B: "Hi Cindy."
A: "I'm calling in regards to the 2003 bank statements you sent over to me last week. I cannot find the August statement. Can you resend that one by any chance?"
B: "I can fax them over to you in about an hour. Will that be ok?"
A: "That would be great. I also have questions on several of the withdrawals. Do you know who I should contact to straighten this out?"
B: "You should talk to Joe Smith. He is our senior accountant over here. His number is 555-123-4567."
A: "That was Joe Smith at 555-123-4567?"
B: "That's correct."
A: "Do you have his email address. I might need it later."
B: "Sure. It's"
A: " Ok. Thanks for all your help."
B: "No problem. Have a good day."
A: "You too. Thanks again. Bye."

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