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Other Emotions - Interactive Practice

Klikněte na Vyslechněte vše a následujte pokyny. Po té, co porozumíte celé konverzaci, staňte se Osobou A kliknutím na Osoba A. Z audio souboru uslyšíte pouze Osobu B. Bude vám poskytnuta chvilka ticha k zopakování vět Osoby A. Pro Osobu B zopakujte stejný postup. Rychlost konverzace odpovídá rychlosti konverzace rodilých mluvčích. Použijte PAUSE tlačítko mezi každou větou, pokud jsou mezery mezi jednotlivými větami pro vás příliš krátké. Procvičování získáte schopnost mluvit stejně rychle jako rodilý mluvčí.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "How are you feeling these days?"
B: "I don't know. A little bored and restless I guess."
A: "Why is that?"
B: "I have so much time on my hands and I have nothing to do."
A: "Why don't you go out and have fun?"
B: "I would like to, but I have to save some money so I can't go out all the time."
A: "That sucks."
B: "After a while, I start to feel anxious."
A: "Try relaxing and reading a good book. That's always a good way to kill time."
B: "That's true. How about you? How are you these days?"
A: "I'm doing pretty good these days. My kid just finished kindergarten. I'm so proud of him."
B: "That's great to hear. He must be big now. It's been a year since I saw your son."
A: "Yeah. He grew a lot in the last year."
B: "I bet you're very proud of your son."
A: "Yes I am. Thanks."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "What happened to that girl you were seeing?"
B: "Oh Jackie? We broke up last week."
A: "That was a short relationship. You only started dating 2 months ago."
B: "It was actually a long two months. She was a psycho."
A: "What do you mean?"
B: "She would be laughing one moment, and if I said something insensitive, she would start crying. I didn't want to deal with that."
A: "She sounds very emotional."
B: "She was a psycho man. One time we were suppose to get together. I was waiting for her call, and when she finally called, she was screaming why I wasn't at her place."
A: "Were you suppose to be there?"
B: "I thought she was going to call when she was done shopping. It was a misunderstanding. She was literally screaming on the phone over this."
A: "Ok. You're right. She's a psycho."
B: "I'm just glad it's over."

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