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Intermediate Listening Lesson #03
Krok č. 1:
Poslechněte si rozhovor
Nedívejte se na otázky před tím, než si poslechnete audio soubor. Čtení otázek napřed nepomůže zlepšit vaše poslechové schopnosti.
Krok č. 2:
Test - přehled otázek
1. What type of exercising are they talking about?
Sporting activities
Working out
Running and jogging
2. What was the reaction of one person seeing his friend?
3. How long has it been since they have seen each other?
A month
A couple of months
Six months
One year
4. When will they see each other again?
A month later
In a couple of days
Not planned
Next time they run into each other like this time
Přehled odpovědí
1. Working out
2. Surprised
3. A couple of months
4. In a couple of days
Jestliže si nejste jisti s odpověďmi na otázky, poslechněte si znovu audio soubor poté, co jste si přečetli otázky. Poté, co zvolíte všechny možnosti, uvidíte odpovědi a zjistíte, jak jste na tom.
Krok č. 3:
Ukázka rozhovoru
A: "Steve. Is that you?"
B: "Yeah. What's going on?"
A: "Not much. What a surprise to see you here."
B: "Yeah. It's been a couple of months since I saw you."
A: "What have you been up to?"
B: "I just started working out."
A: "Really? Where do you work out at?"
B: "I joined the Samsung Health Club last month."
A: "What do you mostly do during your workout?"
B: "I concentrate mostly on my legs, chest, arms and stomach."
A: "I should start exercising more."
B: "It's hard work while exercising, but it is a great feeling when I get done."
A: "I have a running machine at home. I used to use it, but I already got sick of it."
B: "Exercising at home is hard. The environment is not suited for exercising."
A: "If I want to exercise, I will need to join a gym."
B: "I have a couple of guest passes. You want to check out my health club."
A: "That's a good idea. Let's go over the weekend."
B: "Great. I'll call you Saturday morning."
A: "Aright. I'll talk to you later."
B: "Ok. Bye."
Dialog byste měli číst až poté, co projdete poslechovou lekci. Nedívejte se na text dialogu, aniž byste si jej vyslechli nebo odpověděli na otázky.
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