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Intermediate Listening Lesson #14
Krok č. 1:
Poslechněte si rozhovor
Nedívejte se na otázky před tím, než si poslechnete audio soubor. Čtení otázek napřed nepomůže zlepšit vaše poslechové schopnosti.
Krok č. 2:
Test - přehled otázek
1. How many months has Julie been on a diet?
1 month
2 months
3 months
6 months
2. How much weight did Julie lose so far?
5 pounds
15 pounds
20 pounds
25 pounds
3. What was the main tip Julie got from her trainer?
Eat less
Exercise more
Eat 2 times a day
Eat 5 times a day
4. Does Julie think Barbara should try this?
No. Julie thinks Barbara doesn't need to go on a diet
No. It wouldn't work for someone like Barbara
Yes. Barbara is much fatter than Julie and needs to go on a diet
Yes. Barbara is similar to Julie so she should use the same plan
Přehled odpovědí
1. 2 months
2. 15 pounds
3. Eat 5 times a day
4. No. Julie thinks Barbara doesn't need to go on a diet
Jestliže si nejste jisti s odpověďmi na otázky, poslechněte si znovu audio soubor poté, co jste si přečetli otázky. Poté, co zvolíte všechny možnosti, uvidíte odpovědi a zjistíte, jak jste na tom.
Krok č. 3:
Ukázka rozhovoru
A: "Hi Barbara. Have you lost weight?"
B: "Hi Julie. Yeah. I've been on a diet for a couple of months now."
A: "Wow. You look great."
B: "Thanks for noticing."
A: "What type of diet were you on?"
B: "I joined a health club and my trainer gave me tips on eating. With a combination of eating better and exercising, I managed to lose 15 pounds in 2 months."
A: "That's amazing. What tips did your trainer give you?"
B: "Mostly on how to exercise, but the best advice I got was changing my eating habits. Instead of eating 3 times a day, she told me to eat 5 times a day."
A: "That doesn't make sense. If you eat more, than how do you lose weight?"
B: "Actually, I'm eating the same amount. I eat 5 smaller meals a day. Basically, it naturally speeds up the metabolism and helps to burn fat at a faster rate."
A: "That makes sense. I'm going to try that."
B: "You don't need to lose weight."
A: "I have a little gut I have been trying to get rid of."
B: "Ah... but remember to incorporate a little exercise into your diet."
A: "Thanks for the advice."
B: "No problem."
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