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Advanced Listening Lesson #13
Krok č. 1:
Poslechněte si rozhovor
Nedívejte se na otázky před tím, než si poslechnete audio soubor. Čtení otázek napřed nepomůže zlepšit vaše poslechové schopnosti.
Krok č. 2:
Test - přehled otázek
1. Why did Samantha start exercising?
To look good in bed
Started dating a personal trainer
Wants to look perfect
All of the above
2. How long have they been dating?
A week
A month and a half
3 months
6 months
3. What area is the father suffering from?
Back pains
Stomach pains
Chest pains
Leg pains
4. What is the diagnosis that the father received from the doctors?
Hasn't been to the doctors yet
He has stomach flu
Doctors do not know yet
None of the above
Přehled odpovědí
1. All of the above
2. A month and a half
3. Stomach pains
4. Doctors do not know yet
Jestliže si nejste jisti s odpověďmi na otázky, poslechněte si znovu audio soubor poté, co jste si přečetli otázky. Poté, co zvolíte všechny možnosti, uvidíte odpovědi a zjistíte, jak jste na tom.
Krok č. 3:
Ukázka rozhovoru
A: "Hey Samantha. You've been so busy lately. What have you been up to?"
B: "Hey Jackie. I started dating this cute guy and decided to start exercising."
A: "You're not out of shape. You look fine."
B: "Well, this guy I am seeing is a personal trainer and he has a perfect body. Compared to him, I need some work."
A: "How long have you seen him?"
B: "We've been together for about a month and a half."
A: "Did you sleep with him yet?"
B: "Not yet. But before I get into bed with him, I want to look fit."
A: "That's not the greatest reason to exercise, but I guess it is a valid one."
B: "How about you? Anything new in your life?"
A: "My father is a little ill. He has been to the doctor's quite a bit lately but they don't know what is wrong with him. He complains about stomach pains a lot these days."
B: "I'm sorry to hear that. Any idea what could have caused it?"
A: "He says it is because he didn't take care of himself when he was young. That's why I want to start thinking about my health."
B: "I think it is important to take care of yourself while you are young too. Even though my reasons are not the best, at least I am working on it."
A: "How are your parents doing?"
B: "They're doing great. I'm thankful that they are healthy."
A: "That's good to hear. Well, I gotta get running now. I'll catch you later."
B: "Ok. Send my regards to your father."
A: "I will. Thanks."
Dialog byste měli číst až poté, co projdete poslechovou lekci. Nedívejte se na text dialogu, aniž byste si jej vyslechli nebo odpověděli na otázky.
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