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Advanced Listening Lesson #18
Krok č. 1:
Poslechněte si rozhovor
Nedívejte se na otázky před tím, než si poslechnete audio soubor. Čtení otázek napřed nepomůže zlepšit vaše poslechové schopnosti.
Krok č. 2:
Test - přehled otázek
1. What is affecting Kobe Bryant's performance?
Too many issues to deal with
He is in a temporary slump
He is getting old
Another good player joined the team
2. What statement is true?
They both like to play basketball
They both like to play baseball
Only one of them likes to play basketball
They both play full court basketball often
3. What positive reasons are mentioned to play basketball?
Healthy and fun
Competitive and challenging
Healthy and challenging
Competitive and fun
4. Besides basketball, what other sport was briefly mentioned?
Přehled odpovědí
1. Too many issues to deal with
2. They both like to play basketball
3. Healthy and fun
4. Baseball
Jestliže si nejste jisti s odpověďmi na otázky, poslechněte si znovu audio soubor poté, co jste si přečetli otázky. Poté, co zvolíte všechny možnosti, uvidíte odpovědi a zjistíte, jak jste na tom.
Krok č. 3:
Ukázka rozhovoru
A: "Do you know when basketball season starts?"
B: "It starts in October. How come?"
A: "I like to keep up with the Lakers."
B: "You keep up with baseball at all?"
A: "Just a little. Not as much as basketball."
B: "Who is your favorite player?"
A: "Probably Kobe Bryant, but he has too many issues right now."
B: "He's a great player, but his recent problem is really affecting his play."
A: "Hope everything turns out ok. Do you play basketball much?"
B: "I usually get into it during the playoffs. I'd rather play than watch."
A: "I like to watch as much as I like to play. Do you play often?"
B: "Every now and then with some friends."
A: "I usually play twice a week at the health club. It's easy to round up 10 guys during the evening time."
B: "That sounds pretty fun. But I'm too out of shape to play full court."
A: "I get tired too, but I figure it's good for my health. And I'm having fun at the same time."
B: "So you think the Lakers will do good this year?"
A: "They better. They got a lot of good players now. If Malone can stay healthy, then I don't see how they can be beat."
B: "I don't know... I think Sacramento has a strong team this year."
A: "True, but I'm pulling for the Lakers all the way. It's going to be a great season."
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